Saturday, February 26, 2011


Surprise! I'm not stamping or scrapbooking! I know you're shocked. My latest project has been a paper quilling that I started about a week ago. It's just a mandala shape that I don't have planned out at all, I just plan as I'm creating. I'm using white quilling strips, 1/8"x12", that I bought pre-cut. Here's the ingredients list:

  1. "The Paper Company" Quilling Strips in Neutral
  2. "Scotch" Quick Dry Adhesive, acid-free
  3. Martha Stewart Tweezer assortment
  4. Quilling Tool (I cannot remember the brand name.)

In the top picture you can see the tools I'm using. If you cannot see if clearly from the picture, the blue handle above the white tweezers is the quilling tool. The second picture shows the beginning of the white mandala and a few other colored pieces that I've started.

Annnd that's what it looks like now! Still have alot more to go though. I usually make them about 8" across, and right now is about 4". Keep checking back for the finally product!

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